Appear at the top of the list, right where you belong.

Show up first for patients ready to book an appointment.
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How Does It Work?

It’s simple! When a patient searches for a doctor matching your specialty and area, your highlighted profile shows up at the top of the search results page (and patients typically click providers in top positions).


Unlimited placements and clicks on ALL of the “Big Three” Physician Directories.

Give Me Data.

You got it.

Over 14 Million Monthly Combined Searches


88% of Patients Find Their Doctors Online

Over 1/2 Million Patient Search Daily

Patients searching for a doctor on WebMD, Vitals and RateMDs are typically planning to visit a new doctor within the next 30 days.

The right intention

Patients don’t typically review doctor profiles on physician directory sites for fun. They do so because they are in need of help and are actively searching to find the right doctor. Meet patients where they are searching on the “big three” physician directories.

The focus is on you

Non-promoted basic listings will show your local competitors on your page. When subscribed, all competitors will be blocked, putting all the focus on you. In their place will be a “Request Now” button allowing patients to connect with your practice.

The focus is on you

Non-promoted basic listings will show your local competitors on your page. When subscribed, all competitors will be blocked, putting all the focus on you. In their place will be a “Request Now” button allowing patients to connect with your practice.

Clear Analytics + Support

Access to a full personalized Analytics Dashboard and dedicated support and customer service 7 days/week (features you’ll only get with the exclusive Hexapoint program)

You should know your Digital Health Score.
Do You Know Your Digital Health Score?